Two frames on cinestill 800t

Last year around this time actually, we were in Margate navigating our first family trip out of Norfolk. Poppy was a poorly girl and I think we only made it through the trip from daily pit stops at the various coffee shops. As usual I took way too many cameras and film and inevitably only ended up taking a handful of photos, mainly on the M2 during the day. I’d seen the Dreamland building online and like a moth to a flame I eagerly took along the L35AF loaded up with the infamous Cinestill 800T. Unfortunately Pops was not having a good time of it, especially in the evenings so I only snagged a couple of photos on our hurried march back to the hotel.

Considering they were taken on a point & shoot and my mind was definitely not in photo taking mode I’m actually pretty impressed with how these came out. The look is definitely best served with plenty of neon, looking through the remainder of the roll I can’t say I'm going to be using it for general use in the future. Despite this I’ll certainly be picking up a 120 roll to put through the Bronica and maybe a tripod too. Great Yarmouth is calling to me..


a wander around lowestoft and some thoughts on photography


Golden hour ride